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Miche[_3_] Miche[_3_] is offline
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Default U drink bottled water or tap?

In article >,

> Now I will admit, when I visit relatives who live in the city, and
> drink their chlorine (bleach water), I can understand why city people
> buy water. But why spend a dollar or more for one 16oz bottle, when
> most grocery stores sell it by the gallon, which costs about the same
> price, and some stores sell it bulk where you bring your own jug and
> it's even cheaper.
> I learned when I visit my relatives, I bring a few gallons of my well
> water from home, because I will never drink that bleach water
> again.... YUCK !!!!

Leave the "bleach water" in an open container overnight and the chlorine
will evaporate off.


Electricians do it in three phases