A REAL TEA (that just happens to be decaffeinated) ??
> The reality of my age and heritage has come to the forefront and I've
> developed a bit of hypertension and insomnia - not too high - high enough,
> though, that I must forsake caffeinated tea from late afternoon onward. So
> - here's the rub: I really LOVE a decent pot of tea and the decaffeinated
> I've had have lost flavour, as well as the buzz. Can't stomach fruity or
> scented stuff and really adore a good, stiff Yunnan Gold or a lingering
> Oolong and Shu and Sheng are my breakfast buddies. Anyone out there with a
> suggestion??? Personally, I am seriously doubtful that there even be a
> palatable decaf availabale (tea snob, that I am); but, I am willing to
> give it a go. Thanks, all. Shen
Hi Shen,
Members of the science squad mentioned often enough that the 30 second first steep poured off does *not* render the next steep decafinated. But -- at the risk of rousing the science fascistas -- we can, I think, safely say that steeping does remove progressively more caffeine (whatever) as we progress from steep to steep. So...perhaps you might consider taking one of your shu or sheng breakfast buddies through multiple steeps, but leaving some for your afternoon and evening tea. At that stage the leaves ought to produce far less caffeine (whatever) than they had in the morning. Just a thought.