What happens now?
> wrote in message
On Feb 3, 1:43 am, Miche > wrote:
> So you didn't get him to write it down, or make sure you followed his
> instructions exactly to the letter?
no, it was an aside, casually littered among more pussaint charms
regarding buffalo sauce, which involves *considerably* more butter
than I had conceived in any universe, and the creeping evil of pre-
boned meats, etc...
> I still wouldn't eat anything that's been left out overnight.
well, overnight for me means 4 hours, but in an ectasy of caution, i
have taken the good gentles' advice and refrigerated the roast after
the oven temp dropped below the blazoned healthy and safety demarc,
which happened after about 3 hours.
anyway, having never roasted a beef before, i approach the whole thing
with a certain childish wonder and low expectations. sure do smell
The Troll-O-Meter is pegged.