Mexican Lasagna
On Feb 3, 6:53*pm, Righteous Dude > wrote:
> Jose wrote:
> >, WA - 21 hours ago
> > Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Heat olive oil in a pan. Cook turkey
> > over medium high heat until evenly brown. Stir in green onions, taco
> > seasoning mix, ...
> First, steal a bicycle, go to a store and shoplift, some frozen pizza
> dough. Eat a candy bar or some potato chips with out paying for them,
> shoplift some corn tortillas. Get a few cans of tomato sauce with
> peppers and a pound of free cheese from the the welfare food pantry.
> Skin and fillet the neighbors cat, or find some road kill. Grill it all
> over an empty 50 gal chemical storage drum filled with garbage. Roll the
> meat and cheese up in the corn tortillas. Poor the canned sauce over the
> rolled tortillas and call it lasagna.
Mexicans often eliminate the olive oil. They simply wipe the oily
residue from
their bodies onto the pan.