chef needed for teleseminar series
Hi Lee Ann,
I sent you an email, but wanted to respond here as well.
I am very interested in the opportunity you have presented and would
love to talk to you about my qualifications for the job at hand &
provide you with a resume!
Kelly Digby
On Feb 3, 8:45*pm, wrote:
> Hello fellow food lovers,
> I am a former meal assembly kitchen owner and am looking for a chef
> for a few hours work as a contributor to a teleclass series directed
> to meal assembly kitchen owners.
> This is a good opportunity to make some part-time money for a few
> hours work - outside of the kitchen!!
> I'll be looking for the candidate to provide info about finding and
> keeping purveyors, how to purchase from purveyors, fresh vs. frozen
> meats, recipe development and more.
> Please reply if you are interested and/or if you know anyone that it
> may be a good opportunity for.
> Lee Ann Price