Goomba38 wrote:
> sf wrote:
>> On Sat, 02 Feb 2008 21:08:23 -0500, Julia Altshuler
>>> (And some of these restaurants are
>>> excellent in every other way-- friendly, clean, inexpensive, excellent
>>> food, etc.) I've been to businesses that won't give out water on a hot
>>> day. Buy it, or head to the ladies room.
>> I've eaten in many places, some of which want to push the bottled
>> water.... but when I say I want tap water, I'm accommodated. I've
>> never ended up in the bathroom just to find drinking water.
> God, nor would I evah! Ugh. Just thinking about getting drinking water
> from a public restroom gives me the willies <shiver>
I don't think the idea was to dip for water there.
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