Q: Reynolds Vacuum Bags
On Mon 04 Feb 2008 07:08:51p, Janet Wilder told us...
> I am about ready to consign my Tilia vacuum sealer to the "save for next
> year's garage sale" bin. I don't have the time or patience to freeze
> meat before vacuum sealing it and if I don't prefreeze, having to put
> pieces of paper toweling in with my meat.
> I've discovered the inexpensive Reynolds vacuum sealers and I just love
> it. The vacuum stays in the bag and doesn't get lost like the Tilia
> seems to be doing lately. Even better, I can just put in the food, seal
> the zip top and suck the air. No paper toweling, no excessive noise...
> Anyway, what I'd like to know is if I can reuse the Reynolds bags. I
> wouldn't reuse one from chicken and some of them used for beef can't be
> cleaned, but could I reuse ones that seem brand new after use? I'd wash
> them well, of course.
I don't have either a Tilia or a Renolds Vacuum sealer, but I would think
that you could re-use the bags. Personally, I would not re-use any that
contained raw meat, but would certainly reuse those containing veggies,
fruits, herbs, and possibly cooked meat.
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Monday, 02(II)/04(IV)/08(MMVIII)
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cosmology. One gets such wholesale
returns of conjecture out of such a
trifling investment of fact.