Grilled Tuna
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Posts: 506
Grilled Tuna
In article >,
> > Try the multi-hour olive oil soak for tuna steaks - it makes a big
> > difference in moistness of the grilled fish. I believe I first saw the
> > technique described in one of the Cook's Magazine publications, and have
> > seen references to similar approaches elsewhere. Vacuuming speeds up
> > the process if you're in a hurry.
> I'll give it a try next time. Would a liberal slathering of EVOO, and
> then a vacuum container do it, or should it be submerged in EVOO? The
> submerging would be a tad costly, IMHO.
I've done the liberal slather approach, both in a vac bag and a hard-
sided vac container. Either way seems to make a positive difference in
moistness of the grilled steak. Or you just put the tuna steaks in a
puddle of olive oil in a baking dish or the like, and flip them a few
times while they marinate in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.
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