blocked senders
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:56:36 GMT, JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
>> For mail messages, OE can filter based on words contained in the message
>> body, but only for mail, not news messages. That would be handy assuming
>> nobody had edited out the offending party's name. I keep meaning to hunt
>> around for something better, but the way OE displays watched and
>> unwatched
>> threads is damned near perfect, as far as I'm concerned. And, I want a
>> program that handles both email and newsgroups, and can monitor multiple
>> email addresses without having to set up different user profiles. So,
>> here I
>> am.
> Have I mentioned 40tude Dialog? Yes - I think I have ;-) One of
> the best features is that any threads that you've contributed to
> can be automatically watched, and any responses to your posts can
> be automatically highlighted in another color.
> It also allows multiple identities and servers for mail and
> newsgroups.
> It's tough moving to a new newsreader and/or mail client but once
> you bear with it for a day or three, you realize how much a great
> investment it was to switch. Most people just don't want to
> invest the time and are stuck in their ways.
> -sw
Thanks. I'll check it out as soon as their web site gets over whatever
issues it's having at the moment.