On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 00:53:17 GMT, Dog3 > wrote:
>modom > deliciously posted in
>> On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 19:27:53 GMT, Dog3 > wrote:
>>>Sliced turkey with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle and yellow mustard.
>>>Oh, on a whole grain hoagie. I bought it at the local deli on the way
>>>to work. It was good.
>> Sounds good. Mine was curried egg salad on olive bread. It was
>> weird. The egg salad had raisins in it.
>> Note to self: watch out for raisins and olives in the same sandwich.
>> modom
>> "My baby's got no clothes
>> 'Cause she's makin' chicken soup."
>> -- Chuck E. Weiss
>Curried egg salad sounds really good. I don't know about the rasins with
>olive bread. The olive bread sounds good. Local or a chain restaurant?
Olive bread from Central Market in Dallas. Yum. D made the egg salad
yesterday. We get lots of free-range eggs delivered regularly.
(Can't you just see them out there on their little ponies runing
fences and cutting dogies?) Also yum.
"My baby's got no clothes
'Cause she's makin' chicken soup."
-- Chuck E. Weiss