In article <PkLqj.111820$U12.19115@trnddc06>,
"James Silverton" > wrote:
> Nancy2 wrote on Thu, 7 Feb 2008 14:05:10 -0800 (PST):
> ??>> That I can do without, but I am still of the mind that it
> ??>> is perfectly all right to make this with canned pineapple
> ??>> rings. I feel it is slightly bad sport to start peeling
> ??>> and slicing your own pineapple.
> ??>>
> N> I think the result might be different with fresh (raw)
> N> pineapple, given that it has an enzyme that does weird
> N> things to gelatin mixtures, and might possibly also affect a
> N> cake. Canned is the only way to go. I often make it with
> N> canned crushed pineapple because more of the brown
> N> sugar/butter mixture on the bottom gets around all the
> N> pineapple. ;-) It's one of my favorite desserts.
> N> I don't know anything about the OP's reference and what's
> N> common in the UK, though.
> That's certainly true about the pineapple enzyme. I think that
> it is called bromelain and it digests proteins. I seem to
> remember "The Joy of Cooking" recommending staying away from
> fresh pineapple as a fruit in jello.
It's a protein-digesting enzyme. Papayas and kiwifruit have similar
enzymes. Care needs to be taken when using them in marinades for meat.
Electricians do it in three phases