In article >,
Sqwertz > wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Feb 2008 17:12:15 GMT, Janet Baraclough wrote:
> > The message <RXbqj.8570$k%2.1004@trndny09>
> > from "Julie Bove" > contains these words:
> >> If they change their name you have to block the new name as well.
> >
> > Not if they still use the same from address.
> I believe that with Outlook, you need to match the name and
> posting address. Which is why I can just change one letter in
> either the name or address to avoid OE killfiles (not that I'd
> ever do that, mind you).
Many of us will remember Mr. Chung, who called himself Dr. Chung, the
famous cardiologist with the two pound diet (just eat two pounds of food
a day, doesn't matter what it is). He changed his name/address every
week. The only way I could block him was by KFing every post that was
cross-posted to, which he *always* included.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA