Stuck Fermentation
On Feb 8, 5:17*pm, the phelper >
> I have one of those Vinters Reserve extract kits, it's a Chardonnay.
> It was in the primary for about 2 weeks, then I did the secondary part
> on 1/11. The OG was 1.075. *It's been stuck at 1.000 since 1/11 when I
> secondaried it. * Last Sunday, I even added another packet of dry
> yeast, and in five days nothing has happened.
> I primaried at about 67 degrees. *Then dropped the temp to about 62 so
> I could ferment a beer. *Maybe the cooler temp dropped the yeast out.
> However, the temp has been 68 since the past two weeks.
> Any suggestions? * Should I just proceed to the next step? *Thank you!
I would not consider 1.000 finished; if it doesn't taste sweet to you
I guess you could add the stabilizer they supply which should keep it
from refermenting.
Personally, I would warm it to around 75F and build a starter if that
didn't get it restarted. Sprinkling yeast on a higher alcohol wine is
probably never going to work; you have cooler temperature and an
alcohol over 10% V/V now, plus your nutrients would be less than
initially. I never sprinkle yeast; it's only a 15 minute job to
hydrate it properly.