Madison2 wrote:
> I am new to this group and I am a starving college student!
> never seem to have the time or patience to make good healthy meals.
> When I do, I still become impatient and burn EVERYTHING! I end up
> eating junk food non-stop, NOT GOOD! Does anyone have any suggestions
> or cookbooks I could get to help me out?
This thread has taken the direction of recommending cookbooks and
recipes, but I thought of something more basic and more vital: a
kitchen timer. Get something you can set to ring or honk after a
certain number of minutes. Yes, you could just remember to look at the
clock, or you could practice until you're good at knowing when something
is done, but a timer is great for a beginner. It's one of those obvious
things that people don't think about. It doesn't cost much. If you
consider the cost in wasted ingredients after the first 1-2 burnt meals
that are replaced with expensive junk, you can think of the timer as
paying for itself. They're available everywhere and useful for all
sorts of reminders, not just cooking ones.