Help me learn to cook!
Myrl Jeffcoat wrote:
> Madison -
> If I were starving student, I'd invest the less the $20.00 or so, to
> procure a crockpot. Then I'd meander the aisle that has the frozen
> Crock Pot Stews. They are usually inexpensive and you can have a
> couple good meals from them.
I have been cooking most of the meals around this house for more than 30
years and a crock pot is probably the last thing that I would suggest....
for anybody. I would recommend a goof frying pan and a wok.
> You just start the crockpot in the morning before you head to class,
> and when your return later in the day - voila' dinner is ready!
> Not actually a gourmet delight - but when your in school, time is
> precious, and sometimes is better to simplify!
> Myrl Jeffcoat