Refrigerating fowl after cooking
Sqwertz > wrote:
>On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 18:51:20 +0000 (UTC), Steve Pope wrote:
>> I've read that food which has been cooked in a pot (soup,
>> stew, chili) should be uncovered for a short while, then
>> covered and placed in the refrigerator.
>From The USDA:
> * Discard any food left out at room temperature for more than
>2 hours (1 hour if the temperature was above 90 °F).
> * Place food into shallow containers and immediately put in
>the refrigerator or freezer for rapid cooling.
> * Use cooked leftovers within 4 days.
So, removing from heat and uncovering for 30 minutes before
placing in the refrigerator is consistent with USDA recommendations.