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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default Refrigerating fowl after cooking

Steve Pope wrote:

> During "previous generations" there were far fewer pathogens in the
> food because factory-meat and factory-chicken had not yet been
> developed. Plus, since antibiotics were not applied to farm
> animals, the pathogens that were there were not "superbugs".
> Basically food ingredients are now less wholesome so what
> was safe practice in the past is no longer safe.
> Steve

I disagree that there were any fewer pathogens (other than the drug
resistant ones, which aren't commonly an issue with food anyway).
Perhaps there were more problems because the common house might be
killing, cooking and eating their own animals rather than being killed
and prepped by an experienced meat handler. And refrigeration wasn't so
common in my grandparents early days. Yet they survived many things we
cringe about now.