Stuck Fermentation
The VR kits generally come with Premier Cuvee yeast, which is a pretty
reliable all-purpose yeast. But temperatures down near 60F might have
stalled fermentation prior to completion. I second the recommendation
to warm the kit up to 75F or so (use a brew-belt or two if necessary),
and re-pitch a yeast starter. The "sprinkle and walk away" technique
for adding yeast works pretty well to start fermentation -- I've used
it with kits and really had no problems. But for something like this,
where the yeast has run into a problem and the fermentation conditions
are less than ideal (because of the existing alcohol level), you want
to give the new yeast all the advantages you can. Acclimating the new
yeast gradually to the kit environment by using a starter (along with
warmer temps) gives them that advantage .
If that doesn't work, but the wine tastes OK (not too sweet), then
plan B would be to add the clarifiers, sorbate, etc., let the wine
settle, and bottle it.