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PeterLucas[_4_] PeterLucas[_4_] is offline
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Default On a health(ier) kick.

"chefhelen" > wrote in

> "PeterLucas" > wrote in message
> 0.25...
>> No treats, no junk, no booze........ just good healthy food and lots
>> of salad with good portions of red meat for the next couple of weeks.
>> The SO is a bit miffed I won't be joining her with a glass of red for
>> Valentines Day, but.......
>> I go for the first stage of screening to be a bone marrow donor next
>> week and I want to give it every chance of being successful.
>> I've been a member of the Registry (ABMDR) for quite some time and up
>> till now they've only called me in to give platelets. I used to
>> donate plasma every 2 weeks, so the 4 occasions I was called in to
>> give platelets made all the effort worthwhile. It's a buzz to know
>> that you are essentially saving someones life with your donations....
>> as each donation was for a specific person.
>> If this latest one pans out, I would have said *I'd* be very happy,
>> but I'm
>> sure the recipient will be even more so.

> Good for you Peter! I've been on our registry here for 20 odd years
> or so but have never been called.

I know!! It was a bit of a shock to actually get the phone call. Luckily
I updated my details about 3 years ago, so they had my mobile numbers.

> On the other hand though, at one
> point I was giving platelets every 2 weeks. I have given over 180
> times or so they tell me.

Of platelets?? Or plasma. I know that we can give plasma every 2 weeks.
But even if it's plasma donations, that's an awsome amount!!

Platelets are like the bone marrow donations, a wait for the phone call
job :-)

> I haven't been able to give for the last
> few years (my hematocrit has been hovering at 36 and I think you need
> to be at 39). I need to take iron pills so that I can go back. They
> still call me every month or so now.

Just keep taking your Iron tablets :-)

> It feels awsome being directed for platelet donation.

It sure did. I still remember them. I was doing a computer course at
college and my pager used to go off, I'd look at it say say "Havta go,
the Blood Bank needs me" :-)

They initially thought I was goofing off and after the second time, I
had to front the 'Principal'. A quick phone call to the Blood Bank and
all of a sudden it was a matter of "If his pager goes off and he has to
go, just tidy his workstation for him, he'll be back sometime." :-)

I used to sneak a look at the files that were attached to all the
paperwork during the donations. My platelets went to a Grandmother after
heart surgery, a young girl (about 8yo) after Chemo, a young guy after a
really bad motorbike accident, and young female burns victim.

> I can only
> imagine how wonderful it must be to be able to truly give the gift of
> life.
> Keep us up on how it goes, ok?

No worries.

> Good on ya!

Thanks...... keep up your good work too :-)

Peter Lucas

At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.

Turkish Officer
400 Plateau