On Thu 14 Feb 2008 09:40:07a, Goomba38 told us...
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> I'm crazy for fresh mint. When I make tabouli, I use *way* more mint
>> than any recipe ever called for. Also in stuffed grape leaves.
> Wasn't that always Leila's (The Tabouli Princess) frequent admonition?
> That tabouli should be heavier on the parsley and mint than most recipes
> call for? That's how I like it too. I haven't made it in a while come to
> think of it.....
> I miss Leila's posts 
Yes, I recall her saying that many times. I'm probably heavier on mint
that she would be, however. And, God forbid, I sometimes put chickpeas in
mind. Leila would faint. :-)
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Tuesday, 02(II)/12(XII)/08(MMVIII)
Today is: Lincoln's Birthday
The universe is really here to amuse
and serve us. It's true.