On Feb 14, 4:39*pm, enigma > wrote:
> JW > wrote :
> > I bought some of these eggs the other day. Never seen them
> > before. Mind you, they were close to the best before date,
> > but I've never seen dark orange yokes before. Should I be
> > concerned?
> first, there is no such thing as a vegetarian chicken.
> chickens are omnivores.
> *and second, yes, a normal healthy egg yolk should be glowing
> orange
it means the chickens are at least receiving a
> decent diet.
> lee
Or they could be battery chickens that aren't being fed feather meal
or whatever other horrible things the poultry industry concocts to
give them.
Along with something that turns the yolks a nice orange so that you
you're getting value.
Cindy Hamilton