"Wee Willy" > wrote in message
> "Musashi" > wrote in message
> om...
> >
> > "Wee Willy" > wrote in message
> > news:YiZ9c.43710$QO2.12565@pd7tw1no...
> > > I don't see any mystery. White farmed salmon is either wild or farmed
> > (but
> > > not dyed) Atlantic. Since there is no such thing on the market as
> > > Atlantic Salmon it has to be undyed farmed Atlantic Salmon or wild
> Spring
> > > Salmon (very good) or wild Chum Salmon (yuch).
> >
> > Have you ever seen "White Salmon" sold in a fish market?
> Sure all the time here in Vancouver both fresh in season and frozen.
> too as the market wants to see that red colour
I have never seen White Salmon for sale in the New York area.
The only internet site I found that is selling White King Salmon is at
$15.95 per
pound, which I don't consider "cheap" by any standards for salmon.
Also, having established that "white salmon" is indeed sold, although
obviously not
in all parts of North America, this doesn't settle the question of whether
Sushi restaurants
are in fact purchasing and serving this "white salmon" as sushi neta.