F t B wrote:
> "D. Lutjen" > wrote in message
> ...
>>"Sam Salmon" > wrote in message
. ..
>>>>. BTW, "white salmon" is commonly known as "ivory"
>>>>. . . a troll-caught King. A bit of a freak of nature - albino. But
> the
>>>>taste and texture is like any other King salmon.
>>>In both the Chilliwack and Harrison rivers systems White Springs are
>>>more common than Red during Fall runs-I know I fish them both.
>>>There is no such thing as a 'Albino' Salmon only someone who had never
>>>Sportfished in all his short/miserable/indoorsy life would post
>>>something as stupid as that.
>>See above . . . "'Albino' Salmon" is your term, not mine. Res ipsa
>>The subject was not your macho ass wading through bodies of water nobody
> has
>>ever heard of . . . the question was about "white salmon" or ivories. You
>>add nothing to the discourse.
> It's to bad you never heard of those rivers because they support a hell of
> alot of salmon.
> I'm sure Dan would love to pull in a few
I would! Though I prefer sal****er fishing so I can eat what I catch as
sushi. So far I've only eaten stripers as sushi, though I know I could
eat bluefish. I just haven't had the chance lately.
One of these days I'll take a tuna charter and haul in some yellowfin.