Anything Edible At Olive Garden?
On Feb 16, 8:26*am, Lou Decruss > wrote:
> We've got $80 in gift cards for Olive Garden. *It's been at least 10
> years since I've been to one because it sucks. *To use the cards up
> we're taking another couple out tonight. *I'm looking forward to
> spending time with our friends, but not the food. *Anyone know what's
> the most edible thing on the menu? *Otherwise I'll just order a salad
> to be social and drink myself silly. <eg>
> Thanks for and advice,
> Lou * *
We got a gift card for Xmas- I had a shrimp/saffron risotto- I think
it had asparagus in it, also. It was very good! I was quite surprised
as my previous experiences were only so-so. Good luck- what the hey- a
free dinner is always ok!