"Sam Salmon" > wrote in message
> http://www.tojos.com/ the Grand Old Man of Sushi and still fabulous
> but be advised out-of-towners pay out-of-town prices, which in the
> larger scheme of things seems only fitting.
Way, way overrated. Went in there several years ago with two friends from
Japan. Told the guy behind the counter (Tojo?) to lay it on us; we wanted
the best he had to offer. What we got was not close to traditional (Edo)
sushi. Tasty, delicious, beautiful but not sushi. Look at the pictures of
his omikase on his web site . . . that's the stuff one gets. The chef was
proud of using "local" materials but this translated, in about half the
dishes, into "low cost" materials as albacore tuna, mushroom-based dishes,