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Default Sam Salmon's Vancouver Sushi Recommendations

Sam Salmon > wrote in message >. ..
> Because I live in one of the most ethnically diverse and exciting
> cities on the planet, and because it's very much tourist season
> already, I've decided to share some of my favourite Sushi Bars here in
> Vancouver-by-the-sea with the less fortunate.
> First the web sites
> the Grand Old Man of Sushi and still fabulous
> but be advised out-of-towners pay out-of-town prices, which in the
> larger scheme of things seems only fitting.
> 30 minute stroll from my place.
> a personal fave lo these
> many years this unique and charming place serves a 'less traditional'
> form of Sushi.
> A 3 minute walk from my place.
> arguably the most traditonal of Vancouver
> Sushi Bars with offerings often unheard of except in Japan-Chef is
> something of a showboat but the quality is unsurpassed.
> 30 minutes walk towards downtown over the Burrad St. Bridge
> Shijo 1926 West 4th Ave
> 604 732 4676
> best Sushi rice in the city consistently jammed with Sushi
> lovers-overpriced for my taste.
> A full 60 seconds walking time as the journey is partially uphill(!)
> En Japanese Restaurant
> 2602 Granville St
> 604 730 0330
> Aspires to be a low budget successor to Tojo-san/sometimes succeeds.
> About 12 minutes walk from my front door.
> There are other but they require driving-something I'm often in no
> shape to after a visit.
> Y TU?

Considering the high sushi-restaurant-per-capita rate in Vancouver,
you can pretty much spit out of your window and hit a sushi shop!
(One of the reasons I want to move there...)
Anyway, when I visited last I didn't get to go to any of the "fancy"
places, but I went into a little shop near Granville and Robson, and
while it wasn't the best sushi I'd ever had, I got tons of it for a
great price, it was good, and thier kitchen food was awesome.
(Important since my SO isn't a big raw-fish-eater)
I can't complain about a bento box that would feed two people easily
for about $9 Canadian.