Anything Edible At Olive Garden?
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 12:03:16 -0600, Andy <q> wrote:
>Lou Decruss said...
>> We've got $80 in gift cards for Olive Garden. It's been at least 10
>> years since I've been to one because it sucks. To use the cards up
>> we're taking another couple out tonight. I'm looking forward to
>> spending time with our friends, but not the food. Anyone know what's
>> the most edible thing on the menu? Otherwise I'll just order a salad
>> to be social and drink myself silly. <eg>
>> Thanks for and advice,
>> Lou
>Without an opinion, not having ate there, Olive Garden is a branch of a
>conglomerate. I think Red Lobster is a "sister" operation. I didn't look it
>Are your gift cards good at the other restaurants? You might ring them up
>and ask?
Yes, they're good at Dread Lobster which is 100 times worse. We went
to one a few years ago with this same couple. It was my turn to
spring and they got to chose the place. They love dread lobster. So
we landed at one in an upscale Chicago suburb. Our party was 3 white
people and a Puerterican. The staff and other patrons were 98% black.
The obvious discrimination in the quality of our service was enough to
make me never return.