Sqwertz wrote:
> On 16 Feb 2008 21:49:56 GMT, Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> Lou Decruss wrote:
>>> We've got $80 in gift cards for Olive Garden. It's been at
>>> least 10 years since I've been to one because it sucks. To use
>>> the cards up we're taking another couple out tonight. I'm
>>> looking forward to spending time with our friends, but not the
>>> food. Anyone know what's the most edible thing on the menu?
>>> Otherwise I'll just order a salad to be social and drink myself
>>> silly. <eg>
>> Their Dr. Pepper is pretty good.
> And they have Alfredo on the menu.
But they're still happy to let you order off-menu if you want to get
creative or weird.
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