Reheating Meat Pies
Bob Simon > wrote:
> My wife and I are having an Oscars Party next weekend. With reference
> to Sweeny Todd, we are serving meat pies. We prepared a large batch
> and froze them so we won't have to spend much time in the kitchen when
> we're entertaining. What's the best way to heat them? They are about
> 2.5 x 4" and the one I weighed was slightly less than 2 oz.
They sound more like pasties than pies. :-) Probably the best way
would be to let them thaw, time permitting, and then reheat them in the
200°C (400°F) oven for 15-25 minutes or so (it depends on the pasties
and the oven). If reheating from frozen, it can take up to 45 minutes.
You can also use a microwave, but it usually does nothing for the dough.
Still, consider microwaving one or two pies/pasties and see if you like
the results.