"Pennyaline" > wrote in message
> Puester wrote:
>> Pennyaline wrote:
>>> Go someplace YOU like, cheapskate. Spend a couple of bucks, get food you
>>> don't mind eating, have some good wine, enjoy your friends and make a
>>> real night of it.
>> And throw the $80 in the trash? Lou and his guests will find something
>> edible there, even if it's not five star quality. Reread his post and
>> you
>> will note that he is trying to make use of the gift card he received.
>> If the economic downturn we are currently in continues, people won't
>> be so quick to throw money away, whatever form it takes.
> I'm perfectly capable of understanding his post, thank you. He said loud
> and clear that he doesn't like Olive Garden but that he was treating his
> friends to dinner there because *he had gift cards*, that is, it's free.
> That has nothing to do with economy, my dear. If he was being economical,
> he'd have used some or all of the cards by now and wouldn't be inclined to
> **** about it. Thrift itself has its price, and a truly thrifty person
> never complains about that price. A cheapskate, however, ****es about the
> cost and value of everything.
> As to your comprehension of MY post, who suggested that he or anyone else
> "throw $80 in the trash"? Not I, hon! I told him to go to someplace he
> enjoys. Not once did I advocate throwing anything away, either literally
> or figuratively.
Turns out his friends love Olive Garden so it's a moot point. But since he
didn't care for it 10 years ago, I suppose he *could have* regifted the
cards to them (except they were leaving the country this morning) or someone
else and taken them to a different restaurant. Instead he simply wondered
what he could order for himself on the off chance there might be something
someone here recommended. No need to call him "cheap" for wanting to use
the gift cards. I truly dislike OG but if someone gave me gift cards I'd
find something to eat there. Or, as Goomba said, use it to order a nice
bottle of wine, maybe an appetizer (she can have my dessert LOL) and go
someplace else for dinner