"JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote in message
> "Goomba38" > wrote in message
> news
>> Van wrote:
>>> We've got a "Chico's Barbeque" near our house. It is a BBQ joint.
>>> Fair.
>>> Just kind of a strange combination, IMO.
>>> Van
>> The hot dog stand in Oyster Bay, L.I., NY was always called
>> "Chinks"...which I'm sure would be offensive if named that today?
>> I think now they have a different name on the stand but everyone I know
>> still refer to it as "Chinks"
> All behavior is either blessed or damned by the man at the top, George
> Bush. He used the term "Pakis" to describe Pakistanis. That's offensive to
> some Pakistanis. But, he said it, so we can use any term we want to
> describe people.
Get real. The "politically correct police" were around long before GW took
office the first time.