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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default joint Strange names for restaurants

Goomba38 wrote:

> Yet many people do call people from Pakistan "Pakis', right? So they too
> must all be "brain damaged" and have "pathetic education" ?? Did
> EVERYONE miss the one memo that proclaimed the term politically
> incorrect? Don't some people get upset about the terms "Asian" or
> "Oriental" too?

It is interesting to see how once proper terms have become politically
incorrect. correct. My wife worked for a while in a "school for the trainable
mentally retarded", but you can't used the terms retarded or mentaly retarded.
It is correct to refer to them as "developmentally delayed" , At the turn of
the previous century they were called idiots, a medical term for what later
became metally retarded. Slightly higer on the scale of intelligence were
imbeciles and morons. As people started using those words in the perjorative
they fell out of favour.