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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default joint Strange names for restaurants

Puester wrote:

> I equate "Paki" with things like Wop, Guinea, Frog, Slope, Dago, etc.
> Politically incorrect is just another way to say distasteful, prejudiced,
> mean, and ugly.
> gloria p

I don't necessarily agree. The words seem to lose favor and suddenly
they're mean and ugly?
When we were kids it wasn't a crime to say "colored" then came "black"
then that fell out of favor and now anything short of
"African-American'is the term, whether someone actually comes from
Africa or America is beside the point? So it does get confusing yet
isn't necessarily prejudiced, mean or ugly. If it isn't being said with
a hateful intent, is it hateful? Or just a different era of language?