I Don't Get Disturbed Easily, But..
Goomba38 wrote:
> Pete C. wrote:
> > That is is big problem overall, not just with animal derived foods, but
> > pretty much all foods. Far too many people have no understanding at all
> > or appreciation of where their food comes from.
> While that is pretty true, I also know that I'm going to eat something
> if I want it anyway. Veal for example? Humane treatment would be ideal.
"humane treatment" is a bit hard to define when the veal's life span is
a few months.
> What is that saying? "I didn't get to the top of the food chain to be a
> vegetarian" LOL
Vegetarians don't even qualify as human since humans are omnivores.
> I work with a couple of nurses who own really, REALLY show expensive
> horses. (one was 40k!!) and they've gone vegan because of what they
> learned reading "Fast Food Nation" and in protest over how race horses
> are bred. Hmmmmm. ok? <shrug>
Yea, typical more money than brains types who lack the critical thinking
skills to actually evaluate what they read and separate the fact from
the fiction. I hear horses are pretty tasty...