Anything Edible At Cracker Barrel
arthur alexander wrote:
> A summer or two ago, I happened to eat at a Cracker Barrel in East
> Texas, where they sweeten their tea with (What tastes like) the
> syrup from canned fruit cocktail. It was a very hot day, and I drank
> about a quart before our meals came. By the time we reached the
> point for dessert, I was on the edge of passing out. Turns out the
> sugar plus the lisinopril (ACE inhibitor) blood pressure meds I was
> taking pooled their efforts to lower my blood pressure to an
> unsafe level. Scary, that. Keep this in mind if you OF's are on
> ACE blood pressure meds like Accupril.
That (sweettea with meds) is a very unusual reaction. In fact, in my
years providing health care I can't say I have ever heard of it?
I can think of other reasons it might have felt the way you did though.
When it is hot, your blood is up at the surface of your skin (that
flushed look, you know?) and that does take some volume out of play.
Along with that lisinopril lowering your blood pressure chemically, you
also did it it with the heat.
Reminds me of my college Anatomy/Physiology classes, which the students
renamed "How to Kill Someone Off 101" because we were always learning
little ways that could be used to do in someone.... mixing hot showers
with a bucket of ice water over someones head was discussed.