On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 09:19:51 -0500, "jmcquown" >
>"Pennyaline" > wrote in message
>> As to your comprehension of MY post, who suggested that he or anyone else
>> "throw $80 in the trash"? Not I, hon! I told him to go to someplace he
>> enjoys. Not once did I advocate throwing anything away, either literally
>> or figuratively.
>Turns out his friends love Olive Garden so it's a moot point. But since he
>didn't care for it 10 years ago, I suppose he *could have* regifted the
>cards to them (except they were leaving the country this morning) or someone
>else and taken them to a different restaurant. Instead he simply wondered
>what he could order for himself on the off chance there might be something
>someone here recommended. No need to call him "cheap" for wanting to use
>the gift cards. I truly dislike OG but if someone gave me gift cards I'd
>find something to eat there. Or, as Goomba said, use it to order a nice
>bottle of wine, maybe an appetizer (she can have my dessert LOL) and go
>someplace else for dinner
Pennybrain and a few others are so goofy it's not worth the time
typing much. We talked to the friends Saturday morning and they had a
few errands and packing to finish up before they went out of town. So
Louise said: "hey guys! we've got these gift cards,,,,,wanna meet at
OG for an early dinner so you don't have to cook tonight before you
leave?" They said: "sure what a nice idea"
So now I'm cheap, have a drinking problem, and have taste in ass
disease. Bunch of assholes.