"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
> [The message on the bill reads: "SUCK MY DICK **** FACE" - click on the
> link
> to see a copy of the bill. Maybe they had "cybercat" as their server,
> lol...]
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/e...re/7253002.stm
> Restaurant sorry over F word bill
> Joe Delucci's owner Mr Langsdon said the message had been meant to be seen
> only by kitchen staff and he did not know how it ended up as an item on
> the
> receipt.
Why on earth should it have been meant to be seen by the kitchen staff? If
someone was irritated by a disgruntled patron (and it seems they had a right
to be) they can grouse about it (verbally) in the kitchen. Fer cryin' out
loud, why put it in writing for *anyone* to see?!