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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default Resto Sorry Over F - Word Bill...

"jmcquown" > wrote

>> Joe Delucci's owner Mr Langsdon said the message had been meant to be
>> seen
>> only by kitchen staff and he did not know how it ended up as an item on
>> the
>> receipt.

> Why on earth should it have been meant to be seen by the kitchen staff?
> If someone was irritated by a disgruntled patron (and it seems they had a
> right to be) they can grouse about it (verbally) in the kitchen. Fer
> cryin' out loud, why put it in writing for *anyone* to see?!

The same thing happened around here a few years ago. People
were getting their bills with commentary ... nasty stuff referring to
their appearance, religion, etc.

Fat girl in ugly green dress ... stupid stuff like that. How it got
on their bill, I don't know.
