joint Strange names for restaurants
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 22:36:00 -0500, Goomba38 >
>Puester wrote:
>> I equate "Paki" with things like Wop, Guinea, Frog, Slope, Dago, etc.
>> Politically incorrect is just another way to say distasteful, prejudiced,
>> mean, and ugly.
>> gloria p
>I don't necessarily agree. The words seem to lose favor and suddenly
>they're mean and ugly?
>When we were kids it wasn't a crime to say "colored" then came "black"
>then that fell out of favor and now anything short of
>"African-American'is the term, whether someone actually comes from
>Africa or America is beside the point? So it does get confusing yet
>isn't necessarily prejudiced, mean or ugly. If it isn't being said with
>a hateful intent, is it hateful? Or just a different era of language?
'paki' is on the same order as 'wog' in england, i.e., a slur. it's
just more of bush's fabled ignorance.
your pal,