hahabogus wrote:
> Goomba38 > wrote in
> news
>> Miche wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> Goomba38 > wrote:
>>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> Shredded sweet coconut topped with whole roasted almonds covered in
>>>>> dark chocolate.
>>>> Which in many ways is just the *ideal* candy to me...<deep sigh>
>>>> fruit! a nibble of protein! dark chocolate!
>>>> Now I'm craving one. damn.
>>> Fruit?
>>> Miche
>> vegetable? Coconut.. whatEVER coconut is! lol
> A hint...cocoNUT.
Ah..<slaps head> I wasn't even thinking. But then again there is
"breadfruit" that isn't bread, eh? LOL
I was thinking that the coconut being the seed inside the
larger...growth made it a fruit?