"Best tea in the world"... WHAT!!?
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Lewis Perin
external usenet poster
Posts: 997
"Best tea in the world"... WHAT!!?
(Scott Dorsey) writes:
> Dominic T. > wrote:
> >[...]
> >Just as with wine, there is no "best" but there are many super
> >expensive ones, many amazing wines, and Arbor Mist.
> But, there are outfits like Wine Spectator that make their money by
> grading and evaluating wine. There's nothing like that for tea, which
> is a good thing. It's a good thing, because I thing reviewing services
> like Wine Spectator are too prone to jumping on the latest popular thing
> and ignoring quality products that are currently unfashionable.
I take your point, but I can also see another way of looking at this.
Let's assume that you and I are as discerning, and as immune to herd
thinking, as we think we are. Then isn't it to our advantage if all
the stupid money gets spent in the same place(s)? That way there's so
much delicious tea left over at reasonable prices.
Lew Perin /
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Lewis Perin
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