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deja.blues[_4_] deja.blues[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 12
Default Level of Cook at Cooks Illustrated

"notbob" > wrote in message
> On 2008-02-19, Greg Esres > wrote:
>> concepts. I suspect that the author of the story was taking great
>> liberties with the facts in order to make it sound more like an
>> adventure.

> Welcome to Pompous-Bowtie-Man's scam. He's a journalism major. His goal
> is
> to establish a publishing empire. He's right on schedule. Do you
> actually
> believe his insipid tripe?
> nb

Grrrr! I am so totally irritated at those Test Kitchen people .
I wanted a recipe from the TV show, had to register at the site, agree to
get a newsletter , blah blah blah, so I could get the recipe. OK. fine.
(Good recipe, btw, orange chicken, yums were had by all).
Now, I seem to have agreed to get "Cooks Country" Magazine. I got one issue
(a free trial, apparently, that turns into a subscription unless you send
back a refusal form, with your own postage), and now they are sending me
It's a perfectly fine magazine but I DO NOT WANT.
I feel like an idiot (an unusual state for me), but they *totally* suckered