On Feb 21, 3:23 pm, (Scott Dorsey) wrote:
> Right. Now, see, I don't like gyokuro. So, if I ran the tea grading
> service, you'd see very low prices on the gyokuro. I really like the
> Fujian black teas, most of which are very inexpensive, so you would
> see much higher prices on those.
> Aren't you glad I don't run the world's tea grading service?
> >Just as with wine, there is no "best" but there are many super
> >expensive ones, many amazing wines, and Arbor Mist.
> But, there are outfits like Wine Spectator that make their money by
> grading and evaluating wine. There's nothing like that for tea, which
> is a good thing. It's a good thing, because I thing reviewing services
> like Wine Spectator are too prone to jumping on the latest popular thing
> and ignoring quality products that are currently unfashionable.
> --scott
> --
> "C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
Actually, if you could get into the tea grading service ASAP I'd be
eternally grateful to get some great Gyokuro without spending in
excess of $150 any day! Maybe make sure you don't have a taste for BLC
and ShuiXian too while you're at it
I actually have a cool idea for a tea site that's been kicking around
my hard drive lately but development time has been lacking lately. Way
different than something like Wine Spectator, and much more user
driven which would make it very useful I think.
- Dominic