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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default OffTOpic: Susan Hattie Steinsaper

On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 08:16:30 -0800, Marcella Peek
> wrote:

>In article >,

>> As she was kvetching, I learned that she had baked chocolate cookies only
>> to pulverize them for the crust for said cheesecake. So I called her a
>> slutface. In front of a crowd full of people.
>> Then I had to explain that it was meant in affection - it was a term in
>> another group I'd been a part of when someone did something "artistic"
>> that was so amazing that you temporarily hated them for their talent .
>> For those of you who know Kay, it totally fits .

>Yes, I have a recipe Kay posted where you make gingersnaps and use them
>as a crust for a lime ginger tart. Wicked but man what a lot of work.

I still have both of those recipes in my collection, believe it or
not. I haven't made either of them yet... I remember thinking that
it would be nice to have that recipe for chocolate wafer cookies,
cause sometime they are hard to find in the stores..

The lime-ginger tart always looked great to me...

Hmm...might be nice for a southern Cal cook-in.
