Goddess of Groundhogs wrote:
> Jonathan Ball poked his/her head out of his hole and screamed
> ink.net: at the
> world.
>>Goddess of Groundhogs wrote:
>>>Maxie P. Diddly poked his/her head out of his hole and screamed
: at the world.
>>>>Gilroy said San Diego was a vegan who was working on developing
> a
>>>>marshmallow made without gelatin. Gelatin is made by boiling
>>>>animal tissue in water.
>>>I'm not a vegan. Just a vegetarian. I use Knox unflavored
> gelatin
>>>on my plants for an organic fertilizer. Now I see this.
>>>And marshmallows are off the list, too, now.
>>It never ceases to amaze me how you people think you
>>have things all figured out, yet are so appallingly
>>ignorant of some basics.
> Well, would you care to enlighten me, mr Ball?
Sure; you bet; goddamned glad to be of assistance.
> In other words, what are you talking about?
I'm talking about quite a few things, actually. First
is your astonishing ignorance of ingredients. I am not
vegetarian at all (it's a completely unnatural diet for
the overwhelming majority of humans), and I've known
since I was a small child that gelatin came from
animals. You claim to be some kind of vegetarian -
I'll bet the ranch your vegetarianism is based on
ethics, not health, so you might as well be "vegan" -
but you don't know one of the more basic vegetarian
Second, your ethical/spiritual vegetarianism is a total
lie. You are lying to yourself if you think not
consuming any animal parts means you are leading a
"cruelty free" life. Animals are slaughtered with
abandon in order to supply the foods you eat.
Third, somewhat related to the second, you are engaging
in what I have labeled the Irrational Search for
Micrograms of Animal Parts conducted by all goofy
"vegans", and usually abbreviated to the Search for
Micrograms. It is the fatuous and bogus belief that
you can attain some kind of ethical purity by looking
for and extirpating the last microgram of animal parts
from your diet. It is akin to the biblical story about
the person looking for the mote in his neighbor's eye
while ignoring the beam in his own. That is, it is
about massive and disgusting hypocrisy.
Ethical vegetarianism is pure sanctimonious hypocrisy.