Julie Bove wrote:
> "James Silverton" > wrote in message
> news:uC1wj.20633$T8.2010@trnddc03...
>>I was just going into a supermarket today when I heard two cars
>> beeping. They were backing out simultaneously and just saw each
>> other in time to avoid a collision. That happens but the next
>> was weird since each seemed to consider that they had the right
>> of way and wouldn't yield or go back so they beeped at each
>> other for (really) two minutes until one started to make small
>> moves back and forward with assistance from a gathering crowd.
>> They beeped at each other after each move but finally there was
>> room to go. Appropriately, both parking spaces were handicapped
>> ones but I wonder if it was two cases of incipient Alzheimer's
>> and really rather sad.
> That is sad. A couple of months ago, I was backing out at the grocery store
> when another car started to back up and could have possibly hit me. I
> honked. They stopped, turned around looked at me and began to back up more.
> I honked again. They repeated the procedure. I laid on the horn. People
> turned around and looked. Car still continued to back up rather quickly. I
> had to rocket back into my parking space or I would have been hit. I
> couldn't believe it and neither could my daughter. Left me shaking because
> I had to move so quickly to avoid being hit.
Hey, it this a new thing in signage, or have I just not noticed it?
A stop sign with a subsign that says cars on the cross street don't stop.
Uh......for what, maybe 80 years now, hasn't STOP meant "STOP", not "STOP
LIKE ALL OTHER DIRECTIONS ARE DOING"? The other street not stopping is
the default, innit? Unless, of course a sign *states* "4-WAY" (but of
course then it's not a default situation).
Are we devolving into generations that think a stop sign always means
*everybody* stops -- along with not being able to park without radar and
not being able to shift a manual transmission?
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