On Sat, 23 Feb 2008 17:40:58 -0800, Blinky the Shark
> wrote:
>Hey, it this a new thing in signage, or have I just not noticed it?
>A stop sign with a subsign that says cars on the cross street don't stop.
>Uh......for what, maybe 80 years now, hasn't STOP meant "STOP", not "STOP
>LIKE ALL OTHER DIRECTIONS ARE DOING"? The other street not stopping is
>the default, innit? Unless, of course a sign *states* "4-WAY" (but of
>course then it's not a default situation).
>Are we devolving into generations that think a stop sign always means
>*everybody* stops -- along with not being able to park without radar and
>not being able to shift a manual transmission?
I have something similar near me. It's a "T" stop. When you get to a
certain intersection, you have a stop sign and traffic to the left has
one too (pretty normal)... but traffic to the right has their stop
sign about 100 feet to the right. They stop and go at their sign and
they keep on going - don't your dare get in their way. Heh, I'm an
Alpha when I have the right of way too.
Most newbies to the intersection expect it to work the way regular T
intersections work. Oh NO, not this one! So I guess extra the
signage was put there because of the number of collisions. Think of
it as our tax dollars at work.
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