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Julie Bove Julie Bove is offline
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Default Really stubborn or perhaps rather sad.

"Dan Abel" > wrote in message
> In article <SX7wj.113$JU3.82@trndny04>,
> "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>> "Dan Abel" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > In article >, sf wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >> In any case, your story sounds like two handicapped bullies to me (or
>> >> more likely, they were drivers of handicapped people) - but you didn't
>> >> say how many were in each car. Don't forget that handicapped
>> >> stickers/placards and handicapped parking spaces are regularly abused.
>> >
>> > We've all heard stories about people using other's handicapped id.
>> > Still, it's pretty hard to tell. My sister and uncle both have
>> > handicapped placards. They are both able to get around just fine.
>> > However, they both drive my father around. He's able to get around
>> > fine, for a short distance. He's 91, with two artificial knees that
>> > aren't working as well as they used to. Still, when one of them pulls
>> > into the handicapped spot with my father and they get out, it doesn't
>> > really look like they need the spot. But if they park far away, by the
>> > time they get to the store, my father can't walk any more. They have
>> > to
>> > find a seat so he can rest. Sometimes it isn't easy to find a seat,
>> > and
>> > he can't just sit anywhere, since my sister isn't strong enough to get
>> > him up from a seat that is too low. She asked if I wanted to borrow
>> > the
>> > id, since I'm taking dad to see my brother and family. No, I'll just
>> > have my brother drop us off in front of the store while my brother
>> > parks. You can't do that with just dad and a driver. Dad has senile
>> > dementia, and doesn't remember anything in the short term. If you drop
>> > him off in front of the store by himself, you can count on him not
>> > being
>> > there when you get there. There's no way to tell which way he went.
>> > He
>> > never has any idea at all where he is, or how he got there.

>> My problem is I can't walk very far or stand for very long. I haven't
>> tried
>> to get a handicapped sticker because too many times I have seen people
>> being
>> harassed for parking in there when they don't appear to be handicapped.
>> I
>> can just envision myself having to stand there and explain what all my
>> medical problems are while my legs are locking up on my from standing in
>> one
>> spot for too long. So I just hope for the best, and most of the time I
>> am
>> able to get a spot next to the handicapped or fairly close.

> There is a proper etiquette for complaints about illegitimate use of
> handicapped parking. It doesn't ever involve complaining directly to
> the person, as there is no way to verify anything. There are records
> somewhere, and if the person in the car (or one of the people) doesn't
> match who the id is for, then a citation can be issued by the police
> officer who responded to the complaint. I believe in California it is
> US$270. That's an awfully expensive parking spot to save a few steps.
>> Would be nice in some instances though like going to the fair. Not that
>> I
>> think I will be going there again any time too soon. Once through the
>> gates it is hard for me to get around. I spend my time looking from seat
>> to
>> seat and the amount of walking I have to do there leaves me laid up for a
>> couple of weeks afterwards.

> Have you thought about a wheelchair or walker? I believe some walkers
> have built-in seats. Either way, you can always find a seat, since you
> brought it with you.

I have a walker and *knock wood* I haven't had to use it for a while. It
actually wears me out to have to keep lifting it and setting it down again
and it's next to impossible to carry a purse or anything else when using it.
Plus it makes me walk extra slowly and that seems to tire my legs out even

I tried a wheelchair. Due to my various medical problems the motion of it
makes me really sick to my stomach and I feel disoriented in it. I just
hope I never get bad enough to have to use one or I'll be a mess.