Blinky the Shark > wrote in
> Hey, it this a new thing in signage, or have I just not
> noticed it?
> A stop sign with a subsign that says cars on the cross
> street don't stop.
i've never seen one of those. where do you live?
> Uh......for what, maybe 80 years now, hasn't STOP meant
> The other street not stopping is the default, innit?
> Unless, of course a sign *states* "4-WAY" (but of course
> then it's not a default situation).
is it possible that the intersection was formerly a 4 way
stop, but changed recently to improve traffic flow?
it amazes me how many people don't understand the procedure
for a 4 way intersection anyway. it's not "I got here first!"
> Are we devolving into generations that think a stop sign
> always means *everybody* stops -- along with not being able
> to park without radar and not being able to shift a manual
> transmission?
i think it's more a generation that thinks everybody stops
except themselves, that passing on double yellow is fine if
you're in a hurry & the car in front is only going the speed
limit, and most traffic rules are just "suggestions".
what cars have parking radar? i've missed that. i have a
backup camera, but that's so i don't run over chickens in the
driveway... and i'm babying my manual tranny CR-V so i can
teach my kid to drive it in 7 years.
Last night while sitting in my chair
I pinged a host that wasn't there
It wasn't there again today
The host resolved to NSA.