Really stubborn or perhaps rather sad.
"enigma" > wrote
> "Nancy Young" > wrote
>> there is an open space two spots away! People, walking,
>> try it, it's good for you. It will be time soon enough
>> when it's hard to walk far. Enjoy it while you can.
> not only that, but walking is *good* for you. when my mom was
> diagnosed with arthritis in her 50s, her doctor told her to
> take up walking or cross country skiing, anything to get her
> out & moving. she didn't want to exercise. she became more &
> more frail & recently died at age 83. since *her* mother, who
> was very active, lived to 102, i really think the lack of
> exercise was the reason behind mom's rapid decline.
You're preaching to the choir ... I have osteoarthritis in one
hip due to a childhood injury and it gets steadily worse if I
stop walking. Which I do for stretches at a time.
Now I have my walking tape loaded onto my ipod shuffle
(which I see is down so 50 bucks) and weather is my only
excuse for not walking.